

Round the Moon

I recently watched the music video for the song ‘Round the Moon’ by Summer Camp and I think it has completely changed my life. The video consists of scenes from the movie 'A Swedish Love Story' aka 'En kärlekshistoria' and visually, looks like the best movie ever made. Sadly I have not seen it yet, as not too many movies like that are available in South Africa, but I have ordered it so hopefully it will come A.S.A.P. Although, as I previously stated, I’m in love with the 90s, the movie is set in the 70’s but her cloths mainly revolve around the same ideology of simplicity and dark colors. My favorite outfit of hers is a simple tennis dress matched with a leather jacket with silver accessories and nail polish to top it off. Maybe it’s too simple for some, but for me it was just perfect. I am still on the look out to find a good quality leather jacket that won’t blow all my Birthday and Christmas money at once, a seemingly impossible task.

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