



I've been trying to watch all the films Joseph Gordon Levitt has ever been in. I saw this neo-noir film called Brick by Rian Johnson and it was goooooood !



Paris, Texas

I recently watched the film Paris, Texas by Wim Wenders. The movie is essentially about an abusive relationship between a husband and wife.  The topic may sound clichéd but Sam Shepard (the screenwriter) wrote it from such an unique angle which made it captivating.  


You lie You die

Staying in the creepy theme of Enter the Void, I was looking through my favorites list and found this video. I really need to go to Cape Town and see Exorsistahs live.


Enter the Void

So I'm reading The Tibetan Book of the Living and the Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche. I felt I had to after watching the movie Enter the Void by Gaspar Noé  twice. Anyway here are some pictures from the film- I recommend both the movie and book to everyone !! :)